The Recruiter's Guide to Creating an Exceptional Candidate Experience
schedule 11 months ago

In this guide, we'll share strategies for boosting your candidate experience and turning more candidates into hires. From the first point of contact through the final offer stage, there are many opportunities to engage candidates and strengthen their connection to your company. If you follow these best practices, you'll not only land more of your top candidates but also build goodwill and spread positive reviews of your hiring process. The rewards of an enhanced candidate experience are well worth the effort.

Optimizing the Candidate Experience for IT Roles
schedule 11 months ago

We know how challenging it can be to fill technical roles. As recruiters in the IT space, we are constantly searching for those elusive unicorns - candidates with the perfect combination of technical skills, soft skills, and culture fit. Once we find them, providing an amazing candidate experience is critical to closing them and ensuring they join our team. If we mess up that experience, all our hard work sourcing and screening goes right down the drain as the candidate accepts another offer or decides the role isn’t right for them after all.

The ROI of IT Recruitment
schedule 11 months ago

How do you know if all the time and money invested in recruitment is actually paying off? As a tech recruiter, maximizing your ROI is key. If you can’t prove the value of your efforts, your budget and headcount may be on the chopping block.

How IT Staffing Agencies Streamline the Hiring Process
schedule 11 months ago

Working with an IT staffing agency streamlines your hiring process. They do the heavy lifting like attracting and vetting applicants so you can focus on interviewing only the most qualified candidates. An agency will get to know your company culture and the details of the role so they can find you someone who is the perfect fit. Why go through hundreds of resumes and waste time on multiple interviews when an IT staffing agency can handle it for you? Let the experts do what they do best so you can hire the right person and get back to what you do best—running your business.

The Paradox of Renewable Energy IT Recruitment
schedule 11 months ago

Still, the renewable revolution depends on innovative IT solutions and experts to build them. So, what’s the solution to this paradox? How can companies attract the best and brightest to the companies driving the future of energy? The answers aren’t simple, but the goal is clear: we need technology and talent to accelerate the transition to clean power. And we need them now.

Solving the IT Talent Shortage in Banking Industry
schedule 11 months ago

As tech companies continue to dominate headlines and capture imaginations with their innovations, banks find themselves struggling in an all-too-familiar battle: the war for talent. Like many industries today, banking is facing an IT skills shortage that threatens to slow digital transformation and hamper growth.

IT Staffing Companies Build High-Impact Teams
schedule 11 months ago

You know how difficult it can be to find top IT talent. Between trying to determine exactly what skills and experience you need, posting jobs, sorting through countless resumes, and interviewing candidates, hiring new technical staff can feel like a full-time job in itself. That's why many companies are turning to IT staffing agencies to help build their teams. But not all staffing agencies are created equal. 

Top Tips for Offshore IT Recruiting Risk Management
schedule 11 months ago

How do you reap the rewards of a global talent pool while avoiding the pitfalls? Follow these best practices for risk management in offshore IT recruiting and you’ll increase your odds of success. Whether you’re new to distributed teams or an old pro, these strategies will help you navigate the complexities of cross-border hiring and get your offshore project off to the right start. Ready to build an all-star team without borders? Read on.

Retaining Your Top Tech Talent
schedule 11 months ago

In today's competitive job market, retaining your top tech talent is harder than ever. If you're not actively working to keep your top performers engaged and motivated, there's a good chance they'll start looking for new opportunities within a year.

How to Define Success in IT Sourcing
schedule 11 months ago

How do you define success in IT sourcing and know that you're getting value from your providers? It's all about setting the right metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track. Without the proper measurement strategy, you're flying blind and leaving too much to chance. But get the metrics right, and you'll gain complete visibility into how your providers are performing, areas that need improvement, and whether outsourcing is achieving your goals. In this article, we'll explore the metrics that really matter for measuring success in IT sourcing so you can gain confidence that your critical IT operations are in good hands.

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