Revolutionizing IT Recruitment
schedule 1 year ago

Have you tried to hire an IT professional recently? If so, you know the struggle is real. Between the low supply of talent and the high demand across virtually every industry, finding the right people with the right skills at the right price point can seem nearly impossible. But don’t lose hope. While the competition for top tech talent remains fierce, the way companies discover and recruit that talent is evolving thanks to new technologies that are transforming the IT recruitment landscape.

Outsourced Recruitment Process Mastery
schedule 1 year ago

As an IT leader, you know how challenging it is to find top talent in a competitive market. Maybe you’ve thought about outsourcing recruitment to focus your internal team on strategic work. If outsourcing recruitment is on your mind, this article is for you. We’ll walk you through a proven framework to master the outsourced recruitment process. You’ll learn how to find an RPO partner, define key performance indicators, optimize your candidate experience, leverage data and analytics, and ultimately build a world-class recruitment engine to attract the best candidates. By the end, you’ll have actionable steps to take your recruitment to the next level through outsourcing. Sound good? Then let’s dive in. The future of your talent acquisition depends on it.

IT Sourcing in North America
schedule 1 year ago

AI tools can help analyze vendor data to identify top candidates, evaluate proposals, and even handle parts of the negotiation process. With AI, you'll be able to source IT services faster and at a lower cost. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, AI may be the key to giving your company a competitive advantage. Read on to learn how artificial intelligence is transforming IT sourcing for companies across North America.

Retaining Tech Talent: What Banks Must Do
schedule 1 year ago

You know how hard it is to find good tech talent these days, especially in finance. Every bank is competing for the best and brightest engineers, developers, and data scientists. But attracting them is only half the battle. Retaining your top tech talent in today's competitive market? That's the real challenge. If you're not actively working to keep your star tech employees happy and engaged, you can bet another bank is trying to lure them away.

RPO Reporting: Tracking Metrics That Matter for IT Recruitment
schedule 1 year ago

Don't get caught up in vanity metrics - focus on data that truly matters. This guide will walk you through the key metrics you should be tracking to properly evaluate your RPO partnership and ensure you are getting the high-caliber technical talent you need to drive innovation, reduce risk, and gain a competitive advantage. Time to roll up your sleeves and get the data and reporting you deserve.

3 Secrets to Successful IT Sourcing in North America
schedule 1 year ago

You’ve decided it’s time to look for an IT sourcing partner in North America to help scale your tech team. Great idea! But before you dive into evaluating vendors and sending out RFPs, it’s important to understand a few key secrets to finding the right sourcing solution for your needs. We’ve identified three strategies that can make or break your search.

How to Attract Top IT Talent to Your Renewable Energy Company
schedule 1 year ago

Ever wonder why some renewable energy companies seem to attract the best IT talent while you struggle to find qualified candidates? It's likely because they've mastered the art of building a strong employer brand. They know that in a competitive job market, the companies that showcase an appealing culture, mission, and work environment will win over top talent. If you want to attract the best and brightest in IT to your renewable energy firm, it's time to up your employer brand game. 

How to Recruit Innovative IT Professionals?
schedule 1 year ago

You know that hiring the right IT talent is crucial for your company's success. But how do you find innovative candidates who think outside the box? The usual suspects with solid technical skills just won't cut it anymore. You need to attract and recruit people who love solving complex problems, spot opportunities where others don't, and have creative solutions up their sleeves.

Challenges and Solutions in Offshore IT Recruiting
schedule 1 year ago

You’ve decided to expand your IT team, but finding the right talent locally has been tough. Offshore recruiting seems like an obvious solution, opening you up to a global pool of candidates. However, it also brings challenges, especially around communication and cultural differences. How do you overcome language barriers and ensure your new offshore hires will thrive?

Building Your IT Team through Employee Referrals
schedule 1 year ago

An employee referral program is one of the most effective ways to find qualified candidates, especially for technical positions. Your employees already know the skills, passion, and company culture fit you’re looking for. They have connections to a huge network of potential candidates. And referred candidates tend to have higher retention rates. If you want to build an IT dream team, the solution is right under your nose. 

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