Diversity and Inclusion in IT Recruitment
schedule 1 year ago

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace refer to creating a workplace that values and respects differences among individuals. It means creating an environment where people from different backgrounds, cultures, genders, and identities feel welcomed, respected, and appreciated. It is essential to have a diverse and inclusive workforce in the IT industry because it promotes creativity, innovation, and collaboration.

Best Practices for Screening & Interviewing IT Candidates
schedule 1 year ago

Hiring IT developers in Canada can be a challenging task, as the industry continues to grow and evolve at a rapid pace. However, with the right screening and interviewing techniques, IT companies can find the best candidates to add value to their team. In this article, we will discuss some best practices for screening and interviewing IT candidates, including technical and soft skills assessments.

The Power of Soft Skills
schedule 1 year ago

Hello and welcome to our article on the importance of soft skills in IT recruitment! As an IT recruiting agency based in Canada, we know firsthand how important it is for IT companies to not only focus on technical skills but also on the soft skills of potential candidates. In this article, we'll discuss why soft skills are important, what specific soft skills IT companies should look for, and how to assess them during the recruitment process.

Hiring trends and challenges in the Canadian IT industry
schedule 1 year ago

Working in the tech sector is an ever-evolving landscape and it can be hard to keep up with what's new, and more importantly, how these changes can affect your recruiting strategy. With that in mind, we want to make sure you have the best possible insight into the hiring trends and challenges of the Canadian IT industry.
In today's article, we'll explore the key challenges facing employers this year when it comes to recruiting in the IT sector, along with trends that you should be aware of when considering potential candidates. We'll also offer our opinion on how best to overcome these challenges and ultimately succeed in your recruitment endeavors.

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